Listings start from only £14.95 making Room for Rent an affordable way for you to find the right tenant for your spare room.
We have moderators in place and some adverts need validating by our team. Please wait up to 12 hours before contacting our customer services team if the problem persists.
Simply click your name icon on the top right corner of the site to enter the ‘Dashboard’. Under ‘Edit my Profile’ you can make all amendments such as changing your security settings or communication preferences.
You will always receive a notification for messages - just click the notification bell icon in the top right corner of your page or alternatively visit your dashboard where you’ll find messages in the ‘Messages’ tab.
Your property name is important as it will be the first thing a potential tenant sees - this should mean something to both you and the user.
We use google maps to estimate the location as best as possible. We understand there is no near tube station in cities outside of London but our google maps will list the nearest train station as tube station anyway.
It’s important to note that the ‘Total Number of Rooms’ doesn’t refer to the amount of rooms available to let, instead it tells tenants how many rooms are in the property to provide as much detail as possible.
Likes - you are able to give and receive likes for properties to express your interest to the landlord and potentially open a dialogue. It’s also a great way to keep a log of properties you’re interested in. You can find your likes under the ‘Likes’ section in your Dashboard.
Dislikes - you can dislike a property to help narrow your search down. If you are logged in and dislike an advert then as long as you are logged in (for however long that may be), you will not see that advert again. Make sure you’re logged in when you dislike a property though or there’s no way of tracking peoples dislikes. Please note we do not inform the advertiser that their advert has been disliked.
Listings are always 100% free and you can make unlimited revisions in the ‘View/Edit Profile’ section in your Dashboard at any time.
You can list 3 pictures for the common area, 2 pictures of every room and 1 video of every room. We then prioritize this by putting the room photos first , then the video and stitching this to the photos of the common area.
We recommend you upload a floorplan to best communicate the size of the property to users. You can ask the estate agent from who the property was purchased from for this or alternatively ask your architect or even upload a drawing to give potential renters a better idea of the property.
The ‘Loft Room’ selection refers to the room on the top floor of a property, a room that has usually been converted from an attic.
This refers to off-campus accommodation built for students to cater to their specific needs.
A live in landlord refers to the owner/landlord of the property living in that same property.
This refers to housemates dedicating specific times to each other, taking it in turns to clean the property.
This is when a landlord will charge a couple/partners more for their stay as there are two people living in the property instead of one.
This refers to landlords allowing children to stay with the parent in the property without added cost.
If bills are included this means the total sum of rent includes all the bills of your stay in the property - electricity, gas, water etc. Bills not included means that you have to pay these separately to the price of rent.
You can select video calling by clicking ‘Contact (landlord name)’ on the page of the room advert or alternatively select the ‘Video Call’ button within your messages tab located in your dashboard which you can access by clicking on your profile icon e.g. ‘Samuel Thomas’ - located in the top right hand corner of the site. To use this function ensure you coordinate with one another before the call, as to receive the call you need to have the messages tab open first.
Please refer to our terms of use section:
Please feel free to contact us with any queries not listed here at any time:
This refers to seeking accommodation which allows you and your partner to move in, as opposed to just one person
Please ensure you verify your email account by following the instructions in your verification email